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“His anger… still not turned away.”

2017-08-28 08:54

(13) “But the people have not returned to him who struck them, nor have they sought the LORD Almighty.”

God has sent a message about His judgment which will fall on Israel but the people did not care about the warning that Isaiah delivered. In response to the message of the Lord, all the people said with pride that they would replace fallen bricks with better quality ones. Again they refused to humble themselves and turn to the Lord. Because they have persisted in their evil deeds and evil ways, Isaiah tells them that God would bring Rezin’s enemies against Israel and devour Israel with open mouth. The passage today repeatedly said three times that even then the Lord’s anger would not be satisfied and His hand is still upraised.

In verse 13 it says that the people will still not repent and will not seek the Lord after all this punishment.  They were steeped in sin, and their wickedness was like a brush fire. Despite God’s warning of coming judgment, they were stubbornly rebellious and didn’t break away from their sin.  Even after all this messages were delivered to them by Isaiah, they still would not be touched by the Word of God. They didn’t have any intentions to return to Him who had struck them, nor wouldn’t they seek the Lord. As I was doing today’s QT, I could see the reality of how easily I could be stubborn and be arrogant because of the same sinful natures as theirs. And I must remember that God would intensified the level of trial for me if I had not been touched by His continuous warnings, like the case of Israel. Today I will do my best to pay attention when God is trying to get my attention through my circumstances.

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