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College, Young Adult
From July 28-30, our College/YA group went on a retreat at the Oak Glen Christian Conference Center, located in Yucaipa, with the theme based on Philippians 4:11-13 titled “Full.” We sought to understand the truth of being content in any circumstance. Through the messages and prayer projects we meditated on our identity in Christ as the gateway to fullness, on Biblical relationships for accountability, on realizing that our ultimate desire must be for Christ, and that we must delight in God to sustain our desire. All this must be done in the power of the Spirit in which we can cry “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength,” not as a means to gain what we want but to overcome any obstacle in life through Christ’s strength. The retreat was full of praise, prayer, fellowship, and sharing. 

We thank God for opening up our hearts to Him and creating a space for vulnerability in sharing, worship and prayer. We thank all the speakers: Pastor Sung, Jake GSN, and Pastor David, and the small group leaders for their commitment and service. We thank all the leaders of 3rd worship including Teacher Sam and Teacher Jung Hak for their prayer, sermons, and presence. We thank God for our church and our body who supported us through prayer and for giving us a family in Christ.

We strive to continue to grow and become more like Christ.



From July 13-14, we held Vacation Bible School at our church with the theme “ARK Exploratorium: In The Beginning.” The prayer for this VBS was to equip our Sunday School students with a clear understanding that there is a creator(God) and that He had a clear intention for His creation. For this event, over 50 teachers and assistants from jr. high, high school, college, young adult, and the rest of our congregation prepared decorations, activities, lesson plans, skit, puppet show, praise, and crafts in prayer for two weeks. Many parents joined in on the serving through cooking each lunch, buying ice cream for the festival, and taking care of the many tasks that go unseen. The process was a Bible Study in and of itself as the entire church banded together to maintain the unity in Christ to serve some of the youngest members in our church and community.

Since 2011, we have been creating our own themes for VBS and our hope is to use our creativity and talents to create an immersive experience. This year Joshua Suh GSN created our first original song for VBS (it is the first song in the video). We plan to better develop our themes every year.

Thank you to everyone who served and prayed for VBS. Thank you to our Sunday School Department, the Sakamoto family, David JDSN, Sungpyo JDSN, Samonim and Moksanim for your leadership and continual guidance.

Looking back on this VBS we thank God for His unending grace, the work of salvation, teaching our Sunday Schoolers about Creation and His love, raising leaders, training our church to become more like Jesus, and giving us a body of believers to serve Him and grow together with. 

We look forward to next year!